Sigma Pi Alpha Rho Alumni
Membership In Sigma Pi Is Membership For Life
The friendships and bonds of brotherhood that are formed as a member of Sigma Pi during your undergraduate years are undoubtedly an important part of your college experience, but these years are only the beginning. As an alumnus of the Alpha-Rho Chapter of the Sigma Pi fraternity, you are connected by a brotherhood and history to more than 1,300 brothers. The bonds of fraternity brotherhood don’t stop at graduation!
Brotherhood in Sigma Pi serves you by offering:
Friendship that lasts a lifetime
Networking and employment opportunities as you advance in your career
The ability to serve undergraduate members as a mentor
Volunteer opportunities to serve members’ growth and development
Social gatherings in Springfield, Missouri and throughout the country to reminisce about college days and to meet alumni from across the decades
Letter From the President of Alpha Rho Alumni Association
Bob Smith, Alpha Rho ’76 Graduate
Before I offer you a detailed look at recent efforts to revitalize the Alumni activities for the Brothers of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity I want to first emphasize why there is such an effort. The effort is a reflection of the fact that we alumni recognize that one of the reasons we have the happy and successful lives we have today is because of our association with this Chapter of our Fraternity. That association led us to learn many life lessons we were able to use to our benefit in our careers and personal relationships. We are, therefore, dedicated to ensuring that this Chapter continues to exist in a way that other young men through the coming years can have the same kind of beneficial and memorable experience we had in our own eras.
Alumni Videos
Alumnus Mike Compton
This video is about the planks we lay down and the bridges we build as members of Sigma Pi. Alumnus Mike Compton made these remarks at 2012’s Homecoming.
Past Grand Sage and Alpha Rho Alumnus Dennis Day
On April 29, 2023 Alpha Rho celebrated its 75th Anniversary from its founding in 1948. The event was commemorated by remarks by Past Grand Sage and Alpha Rho alumnus Dennis Day.